Explore the Data

Starting Reports

Select one of our pre-populated graphs or create your own. We invite you to use this data analysis tool to take a look at the history of IXPs and discover trends and themes for yourself.


Tips And Tricks

Not sure where to get started? Here are some ideas of what you can select from our drop down menus.

Select a Metric

What would you like to compare or graph? Are you interested in the growth of Internet Exchanges? Take a look at port speeds or unique ASNs. Then check the location boxes or search and add.

Select Aggregate By

Depending on your choice of Metric you are able to group by an area as small as a Data Center or as large as a Continental Region.

Compare Time Periods

Choose between quarterly or yearly options.

Explore Date Ranges

Date ranges are dynamic depending on previously selected options. Choose the range that best suites your needs.


The Open-IX Association has developed the Interconnection Navigator with contributions and guidance from the Open-IX board of directors and other volunteers. This tool is not meant to be relied upon for any purpose other than education, research and analysis. Open-IX makes no representations as to the accuracy of this data. In order to present this tool, we relied extensively on PeeringDB’s data to create our output data arrays and associated graphs. It is important to note that PeeringDB data is largely self-reported and therefore may have inconsistencies.

We have made certain assumptions with the data to reduce discrepancies and normalize results. These include eliminating IX’s with no physical address and adding functionality to include a Metropolitan Statistical Area by extending a radius from a longitudinal and latitudinal urban center. This functionality allowed us to tie city names to physical locations, which are often spelled differently in the database.

Additionally, it is important to note that certain data points only exist after the PeeringDB v2 launch (March 2016), which is why some aggregations cannot obtain data from prior to that date.

We welcome additional feedback on how to make this tool more useful to the community at large.