OIX is seeking individuals to serve on the Edge Data Center Standards Consensus Body. As an ANSI accredited Standards Developer, OIX must regularly review and if needed, revise its standards. The Edge Data Center Standards Consensus Body maintains the OIX-3 standard. The OIX-3 standard identifies the criteria that must be met for a Data Center to attain OIX-3 Certification. OIX-3 Certification sets a minimum level of service, SLA and engineering for edge data centers
Consensus Body meetings are held virtually on an as needed basis. Reasons for a meeting might include review, revision or withdrawal of the OIX-3 standard. Consensus Body members may or may not be members of OIX. Consensus Body members represent one of three interest categories:
- user interface: the specific users (customers) of the internet exchange, data center or edge data center. This includes internet service providers, content providers and content delivery networks;
- internet infrastructure: those people responsible for operating the entities that would possibly be seeking certification. This includes data center and internet exchange operators;
- general interest categories: entities that do business with or have a vested interest in internet exchanges, data centers or edge data centers. This includes hardware suppliers and software suppliers and any other interests that do not fall into the other categories.
OIX welcomes participation from all areas of expertise. To express interest, please fill out an Interest Form by October 18.